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10 Ways to Make the Most of 2022

man standing on cliff edge looking out at mountainscape

You may have set yourself new years resolutions of losing weight, doing more exercise, fewer takeaways or giving up smoking. Now, 1st January might seem like a distant memory. However, that doesn’t mean that you still can’t make the most of 2022.

As a personal storage and secure storage facility, we help lots of people follow their dreams, achieve their goals and do incredible things. In this blog post, we have put together some of our favourite ways to make the most of 2022.

A Spring Clean

If you have ever sat back and looked at your home and not liked what you see, then maybe it’s time for a spring clean? A deep clean can make your home feel completely different. Your home will feel fresher and cleaner, even more spacious. By pulling out the large furniture and having a really good clean of the home you can reduce the allergens and improve the air quality. You’ll also be able to create more space and make your home feel more welcoming to you, your family and guests. If there isn’t room in your home to move things around to properly clean your home, then why not have a chat with us about our personal storage solutions to help you in the short term.


Once you have done a deep clean of your home or placed some of your larger items into secure storage, you may suddenly realise that you don’t actually need all your things in your home. This is where personal storage can be your friend! You may have large furniture or family heirlooms that you want to keep, but you just don’t have the room for. These items can be stored in our secure storage facilities, so you have the extra space in your home, while your belongings are kept safe and secure.

Moving Home

Many of us are unhappy in our homes and we set ourselves the goal of finding a new home in the new year. Moving house could be a great way to make the most of 2022. Whether you are looking to move to a bigger home or downsize – your new home can make you happier. When you are selling your home, you want it to look as spacious, large and clutter-free as possible. Why not put some of your possessions into self-storage to really show off your home to its best potential. If you’re looking to move quickly, then why not start packing now and popping your boxes into self-storage. This way you can start packing while you are selling your home.


Do you feel that your home is starting to look tired, worn or outdated? Why not make the most of 2022 by redecorating your home? Freshly painted walls and new flooring throughout your house can make you fall in love with your home all over again. It will make the space look bigger and it will be bigger too as you’ll be decluttering as you go. Whether you choose the get the decorators in, or you want to do it yourself, it may be a good idea to consider secure storage. This was your belongings will be safe and free from damage while you decorate your home.

Home Extensions

If you would like to not only feel like you have more space but actually have more space in your home, you may have been considering extending your home. Perhaps you have been saving money during the lockdown on travel and meals out. You now have a pot of money so you can extend your home and have more space for the family. While extending your home is very exciting, it can also be very time consuming and get very dusty. While dust sheets are recommended to protect your furniture and belongings, they can still become damaged. Moving things into other rooms may not be ideal either. Once again, our personal storage solutions can help you out. It will offer you somewhere to place your belongings while the extension and renovation work is being completed.

Rent Your Spare Space

Why not make the most of 2022 by renting out the spare room? Maybe your son is at university, or your daughter has gone travelling? Perhaps the old playroom or granny annexe is no longer used? Why not rent this room out to make more money? By renting out the spare room in your home you could earn around £300 – £500 a month. Imagine what you could spend that on in 2022? If the spare room has become a ‘junk room’ where items are collected, then box them up and pop them in storage. It’ll cost less than the money you make renting out the space and it will keep your things safe too.

Move-In with a Loved One

Do you really enjoy time with your loved one and feel that now is the time to move in together? This is brilliant news. Congratulations! However, if you have been living on your own separately for some time, you may have doubled up on some things. You won’t need 2 beds, sofas or wardrobes, for example. However, if you get a bigger place together in the future then you might not want to purchase these things again. Why not pop them into our personal storage facilities so they are safe and out of the way until you need them again.

Go Travelling

If you’ve been saying that you want to go travelling for a while, why not make this year the time? What a great way of making the most of 2022 – by going travelling? If you will be travelling for some time, you could rent your home out or pop your belongings into secure storage, so they are safe. This way everything is ready and waiting for your return, when you’re ready to stop seeing new sights and experiencing new things.

New Job

Many people struggle with the thought of going back to work after the Christmas break. If you weren’t sure that you were ready to make the break or couldn’t find anything at the time – why not try again now? If there is nothing stopping you from working elsewhere, then don’t let storage of your belongings stop you from bagging your dream job. You could place your things into storage while you start your new job. If you love the new job, you can take your belongings to your new home, when you have found the right place for you.

These are our top ways to make the most of 2022. Don’t forget to give us a call if you need any secure storage solutions. We will be only too happy to help you make the most of 2022!

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